Physical Fitness to Avoid Sugar and Diabetes

Having a good fitness program is an important factor in keeping your weight under control by avoiding sugar and carbs. This is critical if you are currently overweight or have been diagnosed as pre-diebetic. Using programs to avoid the trap of craving sugar with a sugar detox program.

You might well ask why diabetes is becoming so common, across all age groups and ethnicities. Type-2 diabetes is essentially a disease manifested by an inability of the body to manage blood sugar levels, due to an overtaxed pancreas which cannot keep up with the amount of sugar being processed. While modern life has provided us with many time-saving food production and processing techniques, in the form of convenience foods and ready to eat meals, therein lies the rub. When you rely on packaged, refined, highly processed foods for a significant portion of your diet, you are automatically increasing your sugar intake and thus, your blood sugar levels, exponentially.

In the past, people who developed type 2 diabetes were generally genetically disposed to the condition. Certain ethnic groups, such as Native Americans, Hispanics and Blacks were more prone to type 2 diabetes, probably because their indigenous diets did not include much sugar. When people of these ethnic groups took up the Westernized diet, their bodies were not equipped to handle the large amounts of sugar and thus were more likely to develop type 2 diabetes.


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